About Us

My name is Poima Goodluck, and I'm the owner of Poima-Meditation. 

Poima-Meditation was created to provide people with a resource for meditation and self-improvement. We offer articles, tips, and advice on how to meditate and incorporate mindfulness into your everyday life.

Poima-Meditation came about while I struggled to find a good resource for meditation information. 

I wanted something comprehensive and easy to understand, but most of the resources I found needed to be more advanced or more advanced. So I decided to create my site! I hope that you find Poima-Meditation to be a helpful resource on your journey to mindfulness.

At Poima-Meditation, meditation and mindfulness have the power to transform lives. We can tap into a deep sense of inner peace and clarity by taking time to slow down, focus the mind, and be present in the moment. This can lead to increased mental and emotional well-being, improved physical health, and overall quality of life.

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