Affirmations for Anxiety: Find Calm and Inner Peace


Affirmations for Anxiety


You have heard about positive affirmations at least once in your life.


I don't know how many of you are followers of these practices or how many of you say such positive sentences to yourself daily, but for me, this has become like a daily routine.

Saying positive affirmations to yourself may seem strange, if not very strange. Especially if you don't think you will get any results.     However, studies show that we can teach our brains to believe what we want to tell it.

I will explain in this article why it no longer seems strange to me to do this and why these positive words help me start well every day and have more confidence in myself.


Saying positive affirmations to yourself may seem strange, if not very strange. Especially if you don't think you will get any results.


However, studies show that we can teach our brains to believe what we want to tell it.


Affirmations for Anxiety Relief


Suffering anxiety frequently and intensely can interfere with the person's daily life, leading to the person avoiding social life, family gatherings, daily duties, and work responsibilities.

Suffering anxiety frequently and intensely can interfere with the person's daily life, leading to the person avoiding social life, family gatherings, daily duties, and work responsibilities.

In short, anxiety can cause the person to stop carrying out activities necessary for their personal,


Social and work development, leading to the development of mood disorders (including depression) and severe self-esteem problems.


Anxiety generates alterations in the body, such as intense fatigue, cardiovascular disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, and skin problems.


It can also cause what is known as "psychosomatic disorders," where biological factors responsible for the symptoms of the illness or disease are not identified.


Excess anxiety can cause enormous wear and tear to which the body reacts, generating ailments and diseases,


Sometimes, it has serious consequences, which is why it is necessary to treat an anxiety disorder as soon as possible.


There are many ways to manage and relieve anxiety, one of which is to use positive affirmations.


However, as with other forms of anxiety relief, affirmations don't work for everyone, and some people may benefit more than others.


Still, if you're struggling to manage your anxiety, it's worth trying positive affirmations, as they're safe, accessible, and easy to use.


They may provide other benefits, such as a greater sense of calm, positivity, or balance.


Before we begin, it's also important to note that we all experience anxiety. It's a normal part of life.


Therefore, you should not expect affirmations or anything else to be a "cure" for anxiety.

Click here for Guided Meditation for Anxiety and Overthinking

Likewise, if you suffer from an anxiety disorder (severe or persistent anxiety), it is best to consult a healthcare professional first.


What are positive affirmations?


If you've never used affirmations, you may wonder what they are. Quite simply, these are positive statements that you repeat to yourself regularly.


This is usually a list of 10 to 50 affirmations you read aloud or listen to an audio recording each day.


Positive affirmations can be powerful tools in managing anxiety, as they help us shift our focus from pain to healing.


Encourage us to believe in our power to deal with and manage anxiety effectively.


Things Affirmations Can Do and Not Do


A study from a team of psychologists from England stated that affirmations can be used to reduce levels of anxiety and worry.


Please note that affirmations cannot magically eliminate anxiety.


Even so, affirmations can help you build and implement new, healthier attitudes and behavior patterns.


Some things you can affirm yourself to do, according to Medical News Today, include:


·        improve mood

·        increase  self-esteem

·        increase motivation

·        help you solve problems

·        increase feelings of optimism

·        overcome negative thoughts


How Affirmations Can Help with Anxiety


Practicing positive affirmations is extremely simple: all you need to do is choose and repeat a phrase.

According to several research studies, positive affirmations can help you overcome anxiety and improve your performance at work.

According to The National Science Foundation, About 80% of the 50,000 subconscious thoughts we all experience daily are negative.


To turn it around and not drown in so many negative thoughts, positive affirmations will be your new best friends.


According to several research studies, positive affirmations can help you overcome anxiety and improve your performance at work.


Taking just a few minutes to think about your good qualities before an important meeting (a performance review, for example) can calm your nerves,


Increase your confidence in your abilities to achieve what you want and improve your chances of success.


Self-affirmations can also help alleviate anxiety and the effects of stress.


In one study, a brief positive affirmation exercise improved the problem-solving skills of subjects with anxiety and chronic stress to the level of those with low stress.


They work because when you repeat something to yourself, it becomes a reality. And that's just what you're looking for.


What does science say about positive affirmations and anxiety?


Affirmations, or positive self-talk, are a powerful tool that can profoundly impact our mindset and behavior.

Affirmations, or positive self-talk, are a powerful tool that can profoundly impact our mindset and behavior.     While some may dismiss affirmations as mere positive thinking, there is a scientific basis behind their effectiveness.

While some may dismiss affirmations as mere positive thinking, there is a scientific basis behind their effectiveness.


When we repeat positive statements to ourselves, our brain forms new neural pathways.


These pathways, known as neuroplasticity, allow us to reprogram our thought patterns and beliefs.


In other words, affirmations can reshape our mindset and create a more positive outlook.


What research has shown about affirmations?


Research has shown that affirmations can have a direct impact on our behavior.


By constantly affirming positive statements, we can boost our confidence and self-esteem.


This, in turn, leads to increased motivation and a greater willingness to take on challenges.


Positive self-talk can also help us manage stress and anxiety and overcome obstacles.


Studies have shown that people who practice affirmations have lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and are better equipped to handle difficult situations.


The power of affirmations extends beyond our state of mind. Our thoughts and beliefs directly affect our actions and the results we experience.


When we consistently affirm positive statements, we are more likely to take actions that align with those beliefs.


This can increase productivity, improve relationships, and overall personal growth.


The culture of positivism is very present on social networks, where we constantly see optimistic messages with a somewhat childish aesthetic, such as "wanting is power," "nothing is impossible," or "your only limit is you"...


However, most of these statements understand that only we and our attitudes are responsible for changing our situation.


Even when we face tangible problems such as anxiety, mental health, and a difficult moment in our life (breakup, death of a loved one...) or job insecurity.


In this case, statements of this type can be harmful to our self-esteem and very frustrating if we do not carry out our goals.


In the long run, feelings of guilt and anxiety may appear. This is what is known as toxic positivity.


Examples of Affirmations for Anxiety


Okay, now you know what positive affirmations are, how they can relieve anxiety, and how to use them.


This section will provide examples you can use or draw inspiration from to write your own.


Calming Affirmations for Anxiety


When anxiety becomes overwhelming, it can be challenging to think about other things and stay relaxed.


However, you can use positive affirmations to help distract your mind and bring about a feeling of calm and control:


·        I control my thoughts, and I know how to relax.

·        Everything is fine, and I'm safe right now.

·        My muscles are relaxed, and my mind is calm.

·        I am at peace with myself, and I accept my feelings.


Affirmations for Social Anxiety


Meeting new people, giving presentations at work, and other social interactions can often cause some anxiety.


Here are some affirmations to help calm your nerves and relieve social anxiety:


·        I like meeting people and making new friends.

·        I can see the benefits of socializing and talking to others.

·        I feel relaxed when I speak in a group.

·        Building new social connections is fun and brings new opportunities.


Benefits of Affirmations for Anxiety

Reduce stress and anxiety.     ·        Improve mental clarity and focus.     ·        Enhance self-esteem and confidence.     ·        Promote relaxation and calmness.     ·        Improves health.     ·        It helps you increase your performance.

·        Reduce stress and anxiety.


·        Improve mental clarity and focus.


·        Enhance self-esteem and confidence.


·        Promote relaxation and calmness.


·        Improves health.


·        It helps you increase your performance.


·   It helps you to be more open, less on the attack (to perceive the received messages differently and not always be on the defensive, analyze), and to respond in a less defensive and resistant way when you are threatened, for example.


·  It helps you think positively, make healthy choices, and make reasonable changes in your life.


·   It helps you to move forward and take the necessary steps even if you still don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.


·      It gives you a perspective.


·     It helps you to be more optimistic.


· Practicing meditation through affirmation can help you have a much more restful sleep (I also recently discovered some super cool applications that help me fall asleep in a maximum of 10 minutes)


Effective Affirmations for Anxiety Relief


Positive affirmative words are one of the techniques that can help you calm yourself in challenging times. They can also prove effective in stressful situations.

1. I feel calm and in control.     2. I feel comfortable and safe.     3. I let go of my anxiety and negative feelings.     4. I let go of my negative thoughts.     5. Every time I breathe, I breathe peacefully and calmly

These words can increase feelings of security, calm, and control. This is what people with anxiety struggle with, as they feel like they are losing control of their bodies and, ultimately, their lives as well.


When your heart races, your breathing becomes shallow and harsh, and your whole body feels tense; something inside you is broken, and you can't do anything to fix it.


This happens because your brain prepares for a perceived threat and activates the "flight or fight response."


That's why you must convince your subconscious that you are completely safe and in control of the situation.


The positive affirmative words below are mostly short and precise. This is the most effective way to use it.


When you're paralyzed by anxiety, your mind needs short, precise commands, not vague, rambling statements.


Repeat those words whenever you feel overwhelmed and stressed. You can complement it with breathing techniques for maximum effect.


The following are positive affirmative words that you can use whenever you start to feel anxious, panicky and stressed,


1. I feel calm and in control.


2. I feel comfortable and safe.


3. I let go of my anxiety and negative feelings.


4. I let go of my negative thoughts.


5. Every time I breathe, I breathe peacefully and calmly


6. With every exhale, I exhale stress and worry.


7. I let go of anxiety and stress


8. I am in complete control of my life.


9. I am responsible for my emotions.


10. I am responsible for my body and mind.


11. My breathing is calm and deep.


12. My heart rate slows to its standard rate.


13. My body is relaxed and comfortable.


14. My muscles relax.


15. I am fully present in the moment.


16. I focus on my breathing.


17. I let go of my fear of tomorrow.


18. My future is bright and happy.


19. I accept uncertainty and welcome what the future brings me.


20. I am open to change.


21. I am ready for what life throws at me.


22. I deal with stress efficiently.


23. I choose to fill my mind with positive thoughts.


24. I choose to focus on positive emotions.


25. I choose to focus on the beauty around me.


26. I am in complete control of this situation.


27. I am an intense and demanding person.


28. I am strong enough to overcome any obstacle.


29. I am stronger than my fears.


30. I accept things that are beyond my control.


31. I make peace with my past and let go of regrets


How to use affirmations effectively


There are many ways we can use positive affirmations effectively. They can be spoken out loud, written on paper, listened to while spoken by others, etc.

An effective strategy is to set aside time each day for affirmations. This can be in the morning when you wake up or at night before sleep.     Find a quiet and comfortable space to focus solely on your affirmations without distractions.     Building a routine around this practice is helpful, as consistency is key.     ·   Another strategy is to incorporate affirmations into your existing daily routines.     For example, you can say affirmations while brushing your teeth, showering, or during your daily commute.     By associating affirmations with activities you already do regularly, you are more likely to remember them and incorporate them into your routine effortlessly.     · Writing affirmations and posting them in visible locations can also be beneficial.     You can create affirmation cards or sticky notes and place them on your bathroom mirror, workspace, or fridge.     Seeing these affirmations regularly serves as a constant reminder and reinforces positive internal dialogue throughout the day.

Each person is free to choose the most suitable method for himself.


They should be as short and straightforward as possible.


Using very long, vague, or complicated statements is not recommended to complicate the whole process.


In addition, it is essential to formulate them in the present tense. For example, instead of saying, "I will have more confidence in myself."


we can say, "My confidence in myself is growing daily." or "Every day I trust myself." Also, negations should be avoided.


Instead of saying, "I won't fail the exam." we can say, "I will pass the exam with flying colors."


Suppose you want to implement positive affirmations as quickly as possible.


In that case, you can start by writing them down in a journal, re-reading them as often as you feel the need, and repeating them out loud in front of the mirror,


In the shower, before bed, when you wake up, or when you need it.


You can also stick positive affirmation notes around the house, record yourself, or listen to others say them for you.


Incorporating affirmations into your daily routine is a powerful way to harness the power of positive self-talk and transform your mindset.


While affirmations may seem simple, they can profoundly affect your thoughts, feelings, and actions.


Practical advice that works


Finding strategies that work for you is essential to make affirmations a habit.


·    An effective strategy is to set aside time each day for affirmations. This can be in the morning when you wake up or at night before sleep.


Find a quiet and comfortable space to focus solely on your affirmations without distractions.


Building a routine around this practice is helpful, as consistency is key.


·   Another strategy is to incorporate affirmations into your existing daily routines.


For example, you can say affirmations while brushing your teeth, showering, or during your daily commute.


By associating affirmations with activities you already do regularly, you are more likely to remember them and incorporate them into your routine effortlessly.


·  Writing affirmations and posting them in visible locations can also be beneficial.


You can create affirmation cards or sticky notes and place them on your bathroom mirror, workspace, or fridge.


Seeing these affirmations regularly serves as a constant reminder and reinforces positive internal dialogue throughout the day.


·    Additionally, consider using technology to support the practice of affirmations.

There are many apps and websites available that provide daily affirmations or allow you to create your custom ones.


·    Set reminders on your phone to recite or read your affirmations at set times.


·     Remember: consistency and repetition are crucial to making affirmations a habit.

It can take time for affirmations to become deeply ingrained in your thought patterns, so be patient with yourself.


With practice and dedication, affirmations can become a powerful tool for changing your mindset and cultivating a more positive and empowered outlook on life.


What Is The Best Time To Affirm?


There is no particular time of day when it is best to affirm. Positive affirmations can jump to your rescue whenever you feel the need.


However, experts recommend establishing a daily affirmation routine for long-lasting results.


Choose a time of day when you feel relaxed and have no other things on your mind.


You can start by setting aside a few minutes each day. It's essential to stay consistent and be patient. You can't reprogram your mind overnight.


Affirmations Techniques for Anxiety Relief


I present to you these affirmations specifically if you are struggling with self-belief, over-worry, and chronic anxiety. These affirmation guidelines will help you.

Make sure you're in a comfortable position, either lying down or sitting with your back straight,     And the list of affirmations you intend to use, with comfortable headphones on, if you want to listen to the audio. While listening to these anxiety-eliminating affirmations,

Make sure you're in a comfortable position, either lying down or sitting with your back straight,


And the list of affirmations you intend to use, with comfortable headphones on, if you want to listen to the audio. While listening to these anxiety-eliminating affirmations,


I want you to feel the sense of rapid change in your body and mind.


Please don't run from this feeling; embrace change, embrace the positivity, and let yourself be one with this new transformational you now; with that said, let's begin...


1. Start from "I"


Make an affirmation from the first point of view. That way, the affirmations you make can be more relatable to yourself.


Not only that, the affirmations you make also make them more relevant to your goals.


So, this makes it easier for you to believe in the affirmation.


2. Focus on the present moment


Keep in mind that affirmations are not a goal for you. So, when making it, make sure you focus on the present.


For example, you affirm, "I will be more confident to speak in front of other people next year."


By saying things like this, you indirectly tell yourself that you can finally feel confident speaking in front of others.


Of course, your current behavior will remain the same.


So, change the structure of the affirmation sentence to deal with this anxiety as if it has already happened and is accurate.


This increases your chances of engaging in behavior that can make your affirmations come true.


For example, you could say this:


I can confidently speak in front of others and build new networks in my industry.


3. Don't be afraid to accept thoughts that make you anxious

If you live with anxiety, acknowledging what you feel and experience in affirmations can help you.


Because anxiety is part of you. Making affirmations based on the reality you experience makes it more robust for yourself.


Keep your affirmations positive and focus on what you want to get based on self-reflection.


For example, instead of saying this;


I will not let this anxiety affect my work anymore.


You can use affirmations like this;


I can manage my anxiety when I experience failure and achieve my goals even though I have these feelings of anxiety.


4. Associate it with your version of value or success


Linking affirmations to your values and your version of success is also essential.


Because it reminds you of things that are important to you.


Your belief in your abilities strengthens as you continue to repeat these affirmations. Thus, this encourages better self-empowerment.


An example of this affirmation is as follows.


I feel stressed, but I can get through this. I can manage my panic and stay calm because I have managed to do it before.


These are some tips you need when using affirmations to deal with anxiety.


Please remember that affirmations cannot directly eliminate your feelings of anxiety.


Even so, this can increase your self-confidence and help you overcome negative thoughts caused by anxiety.




In conclusion, Affirmations for anxiety relief can be a powerful tool to manage and reduce anxiety.


Positive affirmations are short, powerful statements that can help shift your focus from pain to healing and encourage you to believe in your power to manage anxiety effectively.


Research has shown that affirmations can reduce levels of anxiety and worry, improve mood, increase self-esteem and motivation, and help solve problems.


To use affirmations effectively, it's essential to focus on the present moment, associate them with your values and success, and not be afraid to accept thoughts that make you anxious.


Consistency and repetition are essential, and setting aside time each day is recommended to practice affirmations.


Additionally, writing down affirmations and posting them in visible locations, using technology to support the practice, and incorporating affirmations into your daily routine can be beneficial.


Remember, affirmations are not a cure for anxiety, but they can be a helpful tool to manage and reduce symptoms.


Affirmations can help reduce anxiety and worry, improve mood, increase self-esteem and motivation, and help solve problems.


Set aside time each day to practice affirmations, focus on the present moment, and associate them with your values and success.


It's essential to be patient and remember that affirmations are just one part of a comprehensive approach to managing anxiety.

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