Tapping Meditation


Tapping Meditation

Welcome to the article about health and happiness! Today we'll discuss EFT tapping, an emotional freedom technique. 

EFT, also known as emotional freedom techniques, reduces stress, anxiety, and other behavioral problems by combining ancient Chinese medicine concepts with modern psychology.

EFT, also known as emotional freedom techniques, reduces stress, anxiety, and other behavioral problems by combining ancient Chinese medicine concepts with modern psychology.
In this article, we'll go over the fundamentals of EFT tapping, as well as its benefits and practical applications. 

Prepare to learn a simple and powerful strategy for improving your mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. 

Technique, emotional release, tension, anxiety, and happiness are the five basic terms of EFT tapping.

I recently came across tapping meditation. Tapping meditation, which focuses on the head and face, entails tapping specific body regions in a particular order. 

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a technique that is commonly utilized as an extra means of treatment for anxiety, stress, and other concerns.

I'm sure you'll agree that practicing present-focused meditation is good. This approach offers several benefits, including stress reduction and improved attention.

If you've been thinking about trying meditation or have been doing it for a long time, this is an excellent practice to add to your weekly schedule.

Acupuncture and acupressure are used along the body's energy meridians in this meditation approach. Tapping on certain meridian points to restore energy balance helps treat physical and mental ailments.

While tapping, the idea is to mentally "tune in" to the exact problems you want to address. According to a 2019 study, this activity reduced the indications and symptoms of stress, anxiety, and despair. 

Please read these articles if you want to get the most out of this type of meditation and learn exactly how to do it.

What Is Tapping Meditation? 

Tapping Meditation also referred to as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), is a practice that involves tapping on various points of the body. 

It can be described as a self-help technique designed to assist individuals in releasing negative beliefs or feelings. 

Originating from the conventional Chinese medicine system, it puts together acupressure (without needles) with a focused 

affirmation practice and can aid individuals in concentrating on the present moment and alleviating difficult and troubling thinking and emotions.

While still under investigation, the Tapping Meditation or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) has been utilized to address anxiety, despondency, 

and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD). It can be practiced individually or with the guidance of a practitioner who helps address the underlying causes of one's challenges. 

In this context, it resembles talk therapy but includes a physical component.

Whether coping with anxiety and emotional unrest is a recent development or a long-standing issue for you, finding effective techniques can be challenging. 

Numerous self-help approaches, from meditation to physical activity, are helpful, especially if access to therapy is limited. Not all methods are suitable for everyone.

If you discover that purely mental or entirely physical methods are ineffective, neither meditation nor exercise may be suitable for you, and they could even worsen your distress. 

However, there is a progressively popular approach that directly combines a more physical approach with mental exercises. 

This approach is Tapping Meditation, also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

Is Tapping Meditation Effective?

Numerous scientific investigations have examined the effectiveness of EFT. A research endeavor has shown that tapping can act as an efficient remedy for anxiety and despair. 

A separate study demonstrated that EFT effectively reduced stress levels in participants.

So, does EFT Tapping function? It appears the answer is YES! If you are grappling with a specific issue, it may be worthwhile to attempt this straightforward and efficient technique.

As a self-help therapeutic method, several studies corroborate its efficacy for PTSD, unease, and melancholy. 

In particular, tapping can help comfort individuals by transmitting signals to regions of the brain that govern stress.

Tapping Meditation or EFT is especially potent for individuals battling with despondency, anxiety, and PTSD. 

It may not be appropriate if you grapple with compulsions or obsessive behaviors. If so, it's advisable that you only explore EFT if you are collaborating with a qualified practitioner experienced in this domain.

EFT tapping, also recognized as Emotional Freedom Technique, can be highly effective in enhancing self-assurance and self-worth. Here are some of the most potent methods:

1. Karate Point Tapping: Begin by gently tapping the karate point of your hand while reiterating affirmative declarations such as “I embrace and adore myself completely.” This aids in nurturing self-worth and constructing a solid foundation for self-assurance.

2. Key Point Tapping: Subsequently, employ the tapping approach by delicately tapping key spots on the body, including the crown of the head, brows, temples, cheeks, chin, collarbone, and side of the hand. 

While tapping, reiterate favorable affirmations linked to self-assurance and self-worth. For instance, “I possess confidence and possess a robust sense of self-worth.”

3. The film technique: Envision yourself in a scenario where you experience unshakable confidence and high self-regard. Visualize it as if you were observing a movie within your mind. 

During this process, gently tap key points on the body and repeat affirmative affirmations. This aids in anchoring the impression of self-assurance in your consciousness.

4. Tapping on Unfavorable Emotions: If you encounter emotional obstructions or constraining convictions that impact your self-assurance and self-worth, employ EFT tapping to let go of them. 

Identify these adverse emotions, such as anxiety, self-doubt, or self-criticism, and tap while expressing these emotions. 

For instance, “Even though I experience this fear, I wholeheartedly acknowledge myself.”

5. Consistent repetition: To acquire optimal outcomes, engage in EFT tapping regularly. Dedicate a few minutes each day to tap on your key points while reiterating affirmative declarations. 

The more you practice, the more potent your self-assurance and self-worth will become.

Bear in mind that EFT tapping is a potent method, but it's also crucial to invest effort in self-improvement outside of this practice. 

Seek out activities that inspire you, surround yourself with positive individuals, and nurture self-love.

Can I do Tapping Meditation (EFT) At Home?

If attempting Tapping Meditation (EFT) as a self-help method sounds appealing to you, you can practice it on your own, but like anything else, it requires practice. 

There are various levels to how Tapping Meditation functions. It's akin to playing the piano - anyone can master 'Happy Birthday,' 

but it demands considerable skill and talent to execute a complex piano concerto.

The simplest approach to practicing Tapping Meditation at home is to watch a video about tapping related to the issue you are addressing. Most individuals achieve excellent results.

For more enduring outcomes, it's advisable to undergo EFT training or collaborate with a practitioner. 

Indeed, EFT is most effective when the words you employ accurately mirror your emotions. Conversely, online videos often employ generic expressions.

Benefits Of Tapping Meditation

EFT tapping is a method for releasing emotions that entails tapping on certain body parts while expressing emotional concerns. The following are some of the main benefits of this method:

1. Stress Reduction: EFT tapping effectively and quickly reduces stress levels. The parasympathetic nervous method,

which is in charge of relaxation and tranquility, is stimulated by tapping on certain acupuncture points. 

This encourages relaxation and lowers the levels of stress hormones like cortisol.

2. Anxiety Control: EFT tapping is especially potent for controlling symptoms of anxiety. 

Tapping on specific points can lessen the intensity of physical sensations associated with anxiety, such as heart palpitations, sudden rushes of heat, or muscle tension. 

Moreover, by vocalizing the thoughts and emotions connected with anxiety, we encourage their release and soothing.

3. Emotion Regulation: EFT tapping facilitates the regulation of adverse emotions by encouraging energetic discharge. 

Tapping on acupuncture points while concentrating on the emotion you're experiencing transmits a signal to the brain to reduce the intensity of that emotion. 

This aids in mitigating excessive emotional responses and enhances everyday emotional management.

4. Enhanced Overall Well-being: Through consistent EFT tapping practice, you can generally enhance your psychological and emotional well-being. 

This method promotes energy equilibrium and cultivates a sense of calmness, serenity, and inner harmony. 

Furthermore, EFT tapping can be applied to address other issues like phobias, dependencies, or sleep disorders.

Where Do You Tap For Tapping Meditation?

This is a therapy that is located within Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and is based on the premise that emotions make us sick on a physical level and vice versa.

“Tapping” is a form of meditation where a person (in this case, a child) taps the fingers on the face, hands, or other upper parts of the body while saying positive phrases such as 

“I am adorable”, “I am intelligent”, 

“I am happy”, 

“I am a libero”,

“others like to be with me”, 

“I know I can do this”, etc. 

Saying things like this will help you change what you tell yourself (which is often repeated continuously) into something positive and will help you not get stuck in the negative. 

The simplicity of this method, its availability, and the fact that you don't need to consult a professional (or be a professional) are very important benefits (basic methods, please!)

This method helps you pause and think. It also helps your body and mind be more “aware.” 

Ultimately, it helps your internal dialogue transform into something more focused, content, and calm. Very brave!

The important areas to tap gently and repeatedly are:

  • Tap on the top, in the center of the head.

  • Tap on the inner edge of one eyebrow.

  • Tap next to the outer edge of one eye.

  • Tap the bone under one eye.

  • Tap between your nose and upper lip.

  • Tap between your lower lip and chin.

  • Tap under one side of the collarbone (look for the indentation under the inner edge of the collarbone).

  • Tap under one armpit (about 4 inches below the armpit).

The phrases are repeated several times while going through the eight points. 

In the end, the anxiety level is measured again. If everything has gone well, this will have been reduced.

Please continue reading because I will explain more about how to do it properly. 

What To Say While Tapping?

One of the most common questions new EFT users have is, "What am I supposed to say while tapping?" 

But I've got you covered with this article.

Say the following sentences while pressing the EFT points:

Despite my [Scared], I truly embrace myself.

Even though I am [In the way], I profoundly accept myself.

Even though I am [A nuisance], I truly accept myself.

Although I [need to do things correctly], I sincerely embrace myself.

Although I [must look blameless to survive], I truly embrace myself.

Although I [must seem ideal to survive], I truly embrace myself.

Even though I believe [I don't fit in], I truly embrace myself.

Even though I think [I don't belong], I truly embrace myself.

Despite my fear that [if they understood who I am, they would not like me], I truly embrace myself.

I sincerely embrace myself, despite what I tell myself ["Don't speak, it will ruin the program!"].

Even though I am experiencing [name sensation], I am releasing it because I sincerely embrace myself.

Even though I am experiencing [name sensation], I am choosing to let it go because I am sincerely and accepting of myself.

Even though I am [Scared of myself], I truly embrace myself.

Even though I [Alter my reality to fit in], I truly embrace myself.

Even though I [deny my reality to meet my desires], I profoundly embrace myself.

After tapping out the proposed limiting beliefs and basic difficulties, touch on the reframes below:

I'm fine the way I am.

I give myself credit.

At all times, I advocate for the truth.

I am deserving of love.

I am content with myself.

I am deserving of love.

I am open to greater levels of freedom and delight.

I am honest with myself.

I look after myself.

I terminate unhealthy partnerships.

I speak my mind.

I am me, and I like it.

How Many Times A Day Can You Do Tapping?

There is no definitive response to this question. The primary concept is to take action, not dwell on the thought of doing it. 

The more you take action, the more you liberate your energy system, which will prove advantageous in the long term. 

There is also what is often referred to as the "miraculous minute," during which, within a single cycle, the issue is fully resolved. Such occurrences are not exceedingly uncommon.

In my personal experience, those who make the most progress are individuals who engage in this daily practice to purify all emotions, not only those of the present but also of the past.

This is exceedingly crucial. For instance, if an individual is suffering from an ailment or some severe problem, 

they must perform this multiple times a day for a period. It's akin to performing a thorough cleaning. 

Similar to how we tackle a residence during spring cleaning, emptying closets and thoroughly tidying up.

With EFT Tapping, we can pursue the same approach. We can undertake an extensive cleansing to pardon all those we must forgive, 

to forgive ourselves, to foster self-love, and to bolster self-belief... in sum, numerous enhancements are attainable, but it does require some time.

You can also execute it upon awakening or before retiring for the night. 

I recommend establishing the habit of carrying it out in this manner.

With just a few minutes daily, we can revolutionize our lives. It's genuinely astonishing what we can accomplish with just a few daily minutes. 

Some individuals believe that to better ourselves, to recover, to unburden ourselves, we must engage in an elaborate ritual, a grand event, 

something of substantial magnitude... Perhaps someday we will undertake something monumental like that, and it may indeed assist. 

However, typically, the most beneficial course of action is to employ the Tapping technique for a few minutes each day. 

Even if it's only for a minute or two each day. Even if it's just a few cycles.

How To Practice Tapping Meditation

EFT tapping is divided into five stages. If you have more than one problem or worry, 

continue this cycle to handle each one and decrease or remove the severity of your negative feelings.

1. Identify the problem:

To make this approach successful, we must first define the problem or fear you are experiencing. 

This is your focus when tapping. It is important to remember that to have an effective outcome and be able to test its efficacy, 

we need only focus on one problem at a time.

2. The starting intensity should be tested:

After defining your issue area, you must determine the level of intensity with which you begin, that is, 

how you currently feel about the matter. The severity level is scaled from 0 to 10, with 10 being the most challenging. 

The scale measures your mental or bodily pain and suffering caused by your primary concern.

Setting a baseline helps you monitor your progress after doing a complete EFT or tapping sequence. 

If your initial intensity was 10 before tapping and ended up at 5, you will realize that you have been able to achieve a 50% improvement. 

With difficult situations, you will realize that you may need more rounds of tapping, 

but without a doubt, I assure you that you will feel an improvement.

3. The configuration:

Before tapping, you should establish a phrase that explains what you are trying to address in this line. You should focus on two main objectives:

  1. Recognize the problem

  1. Accept and love yourself despite the problem

The most common setting phrase is: “Even though I have this [fear or problem], I deeply and completely accept myself.”

You can modify this phrase to suit your problem, but it is not advisable to address someone else's problem. 

For example, you cannot say, “Even though my mother is sick, I deeply and completely accept myself.” 

You should focus on how the problem makes you feel to alleviate the distress it causes. 

It is best to approach this situation by saying, “Even though I am sad because my mother is sick, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

4. Now gently tap the remaining points on your body, one by one:

As you tap, express your issue repeatedly. For instance, you can reiterate "apprehensive about the exam" or "we parted ways." Tap each point following this sequence.

  • Tap at the apex, in the middle of the head.

  • Tap on the inner border of one eyebrow.

  • Tap beside the outer corner of one eye.

  • Tap the bone beneath one eye.

  • Tap between your nostrils and upper lip.

  • Tap between your lower lip and chin.

  • Tap beneath one side of the collarbone (locate the hollow under the inner edge of the collarbone).

  • Tap beneath one armpit (approximately 4 inches below the armpit).

While tapping the ascending points, recite a reminder phrase to maintain focus on your issue. 

If your initial phrase is: "Despite feeling sorrowful that my mother is unwell, I fully and wholly accept myself," 

your reminder phrase could be: "How sorrowful I am that my mother is unwell."

Recite this phrase with each tap. Repeat this sequence two or three times.

5. Find out the final intensity:

Rate your intensity level on a scale of 0 to 10 at the end of your sequence. 

Compare your outcomes to the beginning level of intensity. If you haven't reached 0, keep going until you do.

Basic Tapping Sequence To Reduce Anxiety


As you can observe, we can utilize tapping for anything that robs us of our peace of mind: financial issues, unease, tension, stress, sentiments of melancholy, bodily discomfort, and so forth.

Here, I present you with an illustration to alleviate stress, allowing you to assess the efficacy of this method.

Identify the concern you wish to concentrate on. It might be general uneasiness, or it could pertain to a particular circumstance or issue that induces anxiety in you.

Ponder the issue or scenario. How do you currently perceive it? Gauge the intensity of your unease, with zero representing the least level of anxiety and ten signifying the utmost.

Formulate your configuration statement, i.e., the declaration where you acknowledge the issue or your current emotional state.

“Despite my anxiety, I wholeheartedly accept myself.”

“Even though I'm anxious about my job interview, I wholeheartedly accept myself.”

“While I'm apprehensive about my financial predicament, I wholeheartedly accept myself.”

“Even though panic overcomes me when I contemplate ______, I wholeheartedly accept myself.”

“Although I'm concerned about approaching my supervisor, I wholeheartedly accept myself.”

“Despite my breathing difficulties, I wholeheartedly accept myself.”

Initiate tapping with four fingers on one hand and touch the Karate Chop point on the other hand. The Karate Chop point is situated on the outer edge of the hand, opposite the thumb.


In conclusion, EFT Tapping, whether conducted by a practitioner or by yourself, is an exceptional technique for managing stress, enhancing self-assurance, controlling adverse emotions, and addressing pain and physical well-being. EFT Tapping is uncomplicated to grasp and can be practiced by anyone. If you are grappling with a difficulty, give EFT Tapping Meditation a try!

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