Twin Heart Meditation


Twin Heart Meditation

The Twin Heart Meditation, also known as TWHM (Twin Heart Meditation), uses divine energy to cleanse and purify the aura.

The Twin Heart Meditation, also known as TWHM (Twin Heart Meditation), uses divine energy to cleanse and purify the aura.

This meditation sharpens and clears the mind while bringing calmness to our feelings. It works as a spiritual wash, 

bringing tranquility and an elevated level of consciousness when our aura is clear and bright.

In this article, we'll discuss the technique, benefits, and other details of Twin Heart Meditation or TWHM. Please read until the end and feel free to leave your comments. Thanks, and let's begin!

The Twin Hearts meditation gives a lot of good spiritual energy, peace, love, wealth, and happiness to the person doing it. 

It also helps make the world better by sending love, peace, joy, and goodwill to the earth. Many people from different religions and backgrounds practice it. It's a simple and amazing way to feel more aware and connected.

What Is Twin Heart Meditation

The Twin Hearts Meditation is an advanced meditation technique to achieve enlightenment or universal consciousness.

Through Twin Hearts meditation, one can gain inner light and access the knowledge and guidance of the Higher Soul. 

The Twin Hearts Meditation is an advanced meditation technique to achieve enlightenment or universal consciousness.   Through Twin Hearts meditation, one can gain inner light and access the knowledge and guidance of the Higher Soul.

This meditation provides divine love and peace, as the Higher Soul embraces us as a caring father does to a son.

Our ordinary soul often seeks pleasure in material and insignificant things. True fulfillment is possible by connecting with the Unsurpassed Soul and the Harmony of the Higher Soul. Meditating on the Twin Hearts allows us to access the higher soul.

It is a powerful tool for healing and service to the planet: the Twin Hearts Meditation is a meditation for individual and planetary peace and enlightenment.

It is based on the principle that the chakras are doors to certain levels of consciousness. To achieve enlightenment or higher consciousness it is necessary to activate the Crown chakra. This can only be achieved when the Heart chakra is activated as well.

In the middle of the chest, there is an energy area called the heart chakra. It serves as the focal point for all highly developed higher emotions such as mercy, compassion, joy, attachment, and consideration.

The Crown chakra and the Heart chakra have a close connection. On the other hand, this chakra, which is found at the top of the head, serves as the center of enlightenment or divine love.

The Crown chakra opens to a vast inflow of spiritual energy when it is activated.

Because it opens the Heart and Crown chakras, this meditation is also known as the Double or Twin Hearts Meditation. These serve as the centerpieces of both heavenly and human love.

The Crown chakra represents unconditional or universal love, whereas the Heart chakra represents neighborly or earthly love.

It is a powerful tool for healing and service to the planet: the Twin Hearts Meditation is a meditation for individual and planetary peace and enlightenment.   It is based on the principle that the chakras are doors to certain levels of consciousness. To achieve enlightenment or higher consciousness it is necessary to activate the Crown chakra. This can only be achieved when the Heart chakra is activated as well.   In the middle of the chest, there is an energy area called the heart chakra. It serves as the focal point for all highly developed higher emotions such as mercy, compassion, joy, attachment, and consideration.

When these two major chakras are active and sufficiently developed, divine love and oneness with all are experienced. It is then that through this "Twin Hearts" meditation with these twin energy centers, we bless planet Earth with a flow of great energy.

Consequently, this meditation is a tool of service to the planet and all living beings. Once we activate our love centers, we become aware of being a channel of divine light. 

When the crown is noticeably activated, the energy channel called "Antahkarana" or "Rainbow Bridge" expands.

This meditation is an instrument of community and world service that harmonizes the aura of the earth and fills the atmosphere with the energy of loving-kindness, peace, joy, and the will to do good.

"If thousands of powerful meditators perform this meditation regularly, the energy generated affects the consciousness of all humanity."

In addition, it is also a self-healing tool because when you surrender to the flow of divine energy to bless and heal the planet, you are also healing yourself.

Through the practice of this meditation, a great deal of spiritual energy descends and circulates through us. 

According to Master Choa Kok Sui's own experience and that of thousands of practitioners around the world, this meditation has various positive effects.

Benefits of Twin Heart Meditation

When a person performs the Twin Hearts Meditation, they are filled with divine light, love, and power.

Regular practice of the Twin Hearts meditation increases the energy in our aura making the energy body stronger and more dynamic.

When our aura is clean, we have a greater level of consciousness, perceive things more clearly, our luck improves, and we attract positive events into our lives.    When we serve the earth and all living beings on it, we generate positive karma, which appears in our lives as good fortune, wealth, and plenty.    We can be more powerful healers with larger chakras and auras. Having a robust and dynamic energy body boosts not just healing powers by being a divine channel, but also personal efficacy and productivity.    Your health improves significantly because the rivers of holy energy that pass through you cleanse all of your body's energies.

The habitual practitioner of this meditation becomes a channel of divine energy and thus causes the expansion of his chakras and his inner aura. 

Transforming and expanding, especially the heart and crown chakras filling with more peace and love.

Another advantage of a habitual practitioner of this meditation is that when faced with a problem, they will have greater clarity of the situation to find the appropriate solution. 

When our aura is clean, we have a greater level of consciousness, perceive things more clearly, our luck improves, and we attract positive events into our lives. 

When we serve the earth and all living beings on it, we generate positive karma, which appears in our lives as good fortune, wealth, and plenty. 

We can be more powerful healers with larger chakras and auras. Having a robust and dynamic energy body boosts not just healing powers by being a divine channel, but also personal efficacy and productivity. 

Your health improves significantly because the rivers of holy energy that pass through you cleanse all of your body's energies.

Here are some of the most obvious and quick to experiment:

Clear negative thoughts and emotions from other people: Clean the pollution we receive from our surroundings and environment.

Improves Health: The flow of divine energy passing through you cleanses spent and unwanted energies from your system. This produces a feeling of freshness and physical and psychological clarity.

Reduces tension, anxiety, and depression:   Disintegrates negative emotions and thought forms within the chakras and aura. A feeling of positivity and happiness will be your natural state if you meditate regularly.

Clearer mind and greater efficiency: When you are clean of negative thoughts and emotions, energy flows more harmoniously, and your ability to concentrate and focus greatly increases.

Increase your self-esteem: Blessing the planet, experiencing divine energy and the positive thoughts and emotions that this meditation produces reinforces self-image and helps build a solid and permanent self-esteem.

Improve your relationships: During meditation, you are filled with the energy of love and joy. These vibrations radiate from your aura and bring harmony to the relationships and people you come in contact with.

You become a divine channel: This meditation habituates you to be a channel of divine energies to bless all beings. These energies have the incredible power to amplify and attract identical vibrations, causing a remarkable expansion of your consciousness. 

Increases Good Luck: By being a channel of divine energy for service, you create good karma that manifests in life as good luck.

Of course, through the regular practice of this fantastic meditation, you will increase the degree of connection with the higher soul.

History of the Twin Hearts Meditation

Twin heart meditation is also known as Planetary Peace Meditation or Enlightenment technique.

In this meditation, there is a fragment of the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Twin heart meditation is also known as Planetary Peace Meditation or Enlightenment technique.  In this meditation, there is a fragment of the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi.

The first appearance occurred in France in 1912, in a small magazine that was published by a group founded in 1901 by a French priest. 

The prayer was titled "A Beautiful Prayer to Say During Mass" and was posted anonymously. The French prayer was sent to Pope Benedict XV and printed in 1915. 

Around 1920, the Prayer was printed by a French Franciscan Priest, and on the back of the prayer was placed an image of Saint Francis bearing the title "Prayer for the peace". 

Between the two world wars, the prayer was distributed throughout Europe and was eventually translated into English, and it was there that it was attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi. 

Master Choa Kok Sui in his esoteric studies, especially Master Djwhal Khul and Alice Bailey, experimented with certain occult meditative formulas.

Based on his research and experimentation, he created the first version of the Twin Hearts Meditation.

This first version evolved and became less and less esoteric so that it would have greater acceptance and massive distribution throughout the planet and for all kinds of people.

He later spread the Twin Hearts meditation under a new name: The Planetary Peace Meditation in 1995.

He explained that it was necessary to change the name of this meditation because many people did not understand the old name. He felt that thousands of people would better understand the term "peace."

Furthermore, he suggested that a large number of individuals would be interested in harmonizing the globe and opening up new avenues for global peace. This meditation practice should be widely disseminated to give good energy to the crucial need for global peace. 

The planetary meditation for peace is conceptually based on Saint Francis of Assisi's prayer. The significance of this prayer, according to our teacher, Master Choa Kok Sui, may be grasped more fully by contemplating the prayer's sentences.

Phrases from the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi are included in some versions of Master Choa Kok Sui's

Make me a tool of your peace, Lord.

Let me plant love where there is hatred.

This line of prayer channels heavenly energy from the spiritual to the physical realms. The amount and quality of that energy stimulates the love inside you, which heals your wrath, hatred, despair, and suffering.

There is forgiveness where there is grief.

It means that we can forgive and that we are forgiven because we forgive others. This is the rule of karma: we get back what we give.

Wherever there is doubt, there is trust.

We shall be able to establish internal harmony and live with better awareness if we cultivate a faith-based mentality.

There is hope when there is despair.

We may stay filled with greatness even in terrible conditions.

Where there is darkness, light

Where there is sadness and joy Our inner joy becomes one with divine joy. 

This is an esoteric principle since the divine is not conditioned by the earthly.

Don't console us as much as we console

The meditator realizes the exactitude of the law of karma. When one comforts others, then the meditator is filled with divine light, divine love, and divine power.

To be understood how to understand

Instead of sinking into our negative thought patterns, which are the root causes of our inner pain, we can develop inner peace and self-control.

Being loved like loving,

because it is by giving that we receive.

This means that the act of giving makes us stronger and this develops our inner strength.

It is in forgiveness that we can be forgiven

When you forgive you can forget, let go and continue living. When you forgive, you transmute the pain energies blocked in your energy system.

And it is by dying that we are born for eternal life.

Healing our internal weaknesses, pain, sadness, and suffering leads us to the evolution of the soul and explains eternal life. Soul consciousness is eternal life.

What Does Twin Heart Meditation Do?

Every day we take a shower. Practicing the Twin Hearts meditation is also like taking a spiritual bath. When your aura is clear, you can experience a greater level of consciousness. When your aura is clear, you see through things clearly. It even improves your luck.

Every day we take a shower. Practicing the Twin Hearts meditation is also like taking a spiritual bath. When your aura is clear, you can experience a greater level of consciousness. When your aura is clear, you see through things clearly. It even improves your luck.

Experts say that an individual whose aura is not clear cannot have vivid thoughts. The Twin Hearts Meditation or Twin Hearts Meditation helps us cleanse our aura through spiritual power. When one meditates on the twins, one invokes divine blessings and divine love.

Therefore, if we can do this exercise regularly to meditate, we will be able to process a clean aura and have a clear idea. 

Negative thoughts will have to stay away so that we can view our lives with good positivity. The benefits of twin heart meditation are so many.

When a person practices the Twin Hearts Meditation, heavenly energy comes down to the practitioner, filling it with heavenly Light, Love, and Power.

The practitioner becomes a conduit for Divine energy. Seekers who have been practicing this meditation for a while may be encompassed by a brilliant, sometimes blinding light.

In a nutshell, practitioners can experience heavenly pleasure and happiness, as well as a sense of being one with all creation.

This is an experience that adept yogis and saints of all religions have had, and it is documented in the sacred scriptures.

The purpose of this specific meditation is to bless the Earth with loving-kindness via the crown and heart chakras, which serve as channels for your spiritual energy.


In response, you will be rewarded many times over since, according to the global law of cause and effect, giving brings about receiving.

Who Should Not Do This Meditation?

Those under the age of 18;   Those suffering from heart disease, hypertension, glaucoma, or serious heart, liver, or kidney illness   Women who are pregnant   Those who are dependent on cigarettes, alcohol, or narcotics


  1. Those under the age of 18;

  1. Those suffering from heart disease, hypertension, glaucoma, or serious heart, liver, or kidney illness

  1. Women who are pregnant

  1. Those who are dependent on cigarettes, alcohol, or narcotics

  1. Those who eat pork and fish without scales, are very dirty ethically.

People suffering from any of the Conditions listed above should avoid practicing this meditation.  People who insist on practicing meditation in any of these situations do so at their own risk.

How To Practice Twin Heart Meditation?

Here I am giving steps of twin heart meditation so that you can practice it properly. So, now let’s look at the steps below:

To practice Twin Hearts meditation, start by warming up with easy and simple movements such as neck rolls, shoulder rolls, squats, stretches, pull-ups, push-ups, and knee rolls.

  1. To practice Twin Hearts meditation, start by warming up with easy and simple movements such as neck rolls, shoulder rolls, squats, stretches, pull-ups, push-ups, and knee rolls.

  1. Do these warm-up exercises for at least 10 minutes before going to the Twin Hearts meditation.

These warm-up exercises make our brain and body active and ready for meditation practice.

  1. After your warm-up, sit down in a comfortable position.

Make sure your spine is straight and aligned.

  1. Breathe deeply for a few minutes until your whole body becomes calm and relaxed.

  1. Start thinking positively by remembering the blessings you receive from your God, your parents, spiritual healers, and teachers.

This is the main stage of starting the heart chakra.

  1. Now place the hands in the middle of the heart.

  1. Start thinking about the greatest moments in your life and triggering your thought process of happy and positive feelings is the best way to stimulate the heart chakra.

  1. Once you feel happy and positive, touch the center of the head

Your head is the initial center of your crown chakra.

  1. So touch the head for about 2 minutes and then start blessing the whole world.

  1. Now you will feel the presence of your heart chakra and your crown chakra all together in the body; then begin to bless the whole universe.

  1.  At this time, imagine a bright light in the center of the brain.

  1. Now chant the hallowed word “Om” or "Amen" as you visualize the existence of light.

  1.  Let this light spread over your brain as well as the whole body.

  1. When the body is occupied with this optimistic light, release it into the environment.

  1.  Finally, slowly open your eyes and repeat this same procedure every day to practice the twin heart meditation.



In summary, Twin Hearts meditation bridges the emotional love of our soul with the elevated divine love of the Higher Soul.

When you are filled with calm and peace of mind, your mind becomes clearer and the thought process is quick. That is why one should practice twin heart meditation.

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